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CIMO (Companhia Industrial de Móveis), established in 1913 in Rio Negrinho-SC, Brazil, by the brothers Jorge and Martin Zipperer, emerged as a significant player in the furniture industry. Having received formal training in carpentry at the renowned Lyceum of Arts and Crafts in São Paulo, the Zipperer brothers capitalized on the increasing demand for furniture in various settings such as homes, schools, public institutions, offices, theaters, and cinemas. CIMO played a pioneering role in the industrial development and production of a diverse range of furniture, setting the stage for subsequent advancements in the field.
The period spanning the 1940s, 50s, and 60s witnessed CIMO’s golden age, characterized by its distinctive designs and mass production capabilities. Embracing a modernist aesthetic, CIMO’s furniture designs showcased simplicity in form, coupled with a remarkable emphasis on quality, ergonomics, and aesthetic appeal. Employing materials such as solid wood, laminates, and curved plywood, CIMO achieved a harmonious amalgamation of different wood tones in their creations.
Despite its remarkable success and lasting impact, CIMO’s operations came to an end in 1982, marking the conclusion of its 61-year-long history. The company’s contributions to the furniture industry, however, remain significant, particularly in terms of pioneering industrialization, advancing design aesthetics, and creating furniture of exceptional quality and beauty.
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