Photographed by Ruy Teixeira / Samuel Esteves / Tom Protti
The work of the artist Jacque Faus charts a remarkable artistic journey. Her work embraces the unpredictable and transformative qualities of material, while traditional methods often rely on meticulous planning, preconceived sketches, and scholarly foundations, Faus follows a different path. She allows her creations to evolve naturally through an assembly process, immersing herself in the serendipitous and ever-changing nature of the material. Jacque’s work was recently showcased in a magnificent manner as part of Mariana Schmidt’s ‘Apartamento Maranhão’ project, which incorporated numerous references to Brazilian popular culture. The vase-shaped sculpture found its spot alongside other celebrated Brazilian artists – or artists with ties to Brazil – including the distinguished Etel Carmona and the renowned Lina Bo Bardi.
What makes Faus’s work unique is her willingness to relinquish strict control and let the material guide her. The interaction between her artistic intent and the spontaneous nature of the medium gives rise to sculptures that are not only visually stunning but also profoundly harmonious.
Through her art, Faus invites viewers to appreciate imperfections, welcome surprises, and cherish unique expressions that emerge from the fusion of human creativity and the organic qualities of clay. Her sculptures serve as a testament to the inherent beauty that emerges when artists surrender to the innate potential and serendipity of their chosen materials.
Essentially, Jacque Faus’s artistic journey is a profound exploration of the interplay between her creative vision and the intrinsic qualities of ceramics. She delves into the boundless possibilities of clay to create a body of work that encourages viewers to embrace the dynamic relationship between artistic intent and the expressive potential of the medium.
To see full catalogue of Jacque Faus click here.
Read the full article about Mariana Schmidt’s project here.